Camoenae Hungaricae

Camoenae Hungaricae 5(2007)


  1. Szörényi László, „Discorso commemorativo del re Mattia”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 5–18.
  2. Ekler Péter, „Methodological Problems in 15th Century Latin Grammar Books Used in Hungary: saepes, faex, pecus”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 19–32.
  3. Munier, Charles, „Étude littéraire de l’épigramme M. 321 de Janus Pannonius”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 33–46.
  4. Kasza Péter, „»Because I Can See that Some […] Tell the Events Differently to How They Happened…« Comments to the Story of the Formation of István Brodarics’s Historia Verissima”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 47–62.
  5. Bitskey István, „Programm der Druckerei Debrecen zur Herausgabe von lateinisch–ungarischen Lehrbüchern im Jahre 1591”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 63–82.
  6. Kecskeméti Gábor, „Latin Rhetoric of Imre Pécseli Király and the Early 17th Century European Rhetoric Theory”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 83–100.
  7. Szentmártoni Szabó Géza, „Ferenc Faludi’s Fontinalia and the Sleeping Nymph”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 101–120.
  8. Havas László, „Morus Hungaricus sive speculum regium ad principem eius saeculi scriptum quod aevum lucum seu luminum vel summae eruditionis aut illuminationis nominatur, sive fortuna Thomae Mori in Hungaria Latina”, Camoenae Hungaricae 4–5(2007–2008): 121–130.