Camoenae Hungaricae

Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010)


  1. Havas László, „Sulle corrispondenze dell’Admonitio di Santo Stefano con l’epoca carolingia”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 5–12.
  2. Lengyel Réka, „Francesco Petrarca sulla dolcezza della musica (Il testo corretto del dialogo n. 23 del De remediis utriusque fortunae)”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 13–20.
  3. Lázár István Dávid, „Storici italiani alla corte di Mattia Corvino”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 21–28.
  4. Békés Enikő, „Scientia sexualis and Ducal Cultural Politics: The Lessons of a Text Publication”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 29–44.
  5. Máté Ágnes, „On the Possible Resources of Krzysztof Golian’s Polish Translation of Historia”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 45–52.
  6. Petneházi Gábor, „Tirade du nez, or Nasological Remarks on the History of a Friendship”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 53–59.
  7. Kasza Péter, „A Hungarian Diplomat in Polish Service (New Sources for the Functioning of István Brodarics as Ambassador in Rome)”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 60–73.
  8. Bartók István, „A Contribution to the History of English–Hungarian Cultural Relationships: The Linacre-edition of Gergely Molnár in Kolozsvár”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 74–88.
  9. Hargittay Emil, „Gründungsurkunde der Tyrnauer Universität (12. Mai 1635)”, Camoenae Hungaricae 7(2010): 89–94.